Install Google Test Framework Google Test on Ubuntu 20.04

2 min readOct 14, 2020

Recently I’ve updated Ubuntu to version 20.04. After that I’d noticed there was an issue when installing Google Test framework gtest. I’ve found the top BING/GOOGLE search result about this subject was pointing to this blog:

However, we need to do a little change in the last step. Here’s the step by step installing Google Test Framework:

step 1:

sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev

Step 2:

sudo apt-get install cmake

Step 3:

cd /usr/src/gtest

sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt

Step 4:

sudo make

Step 5:

If you followed Erik’s link, you would get error here:

To solve this error, first let’s find out the location of the *.a files. There are two .a files we need to copy

find . -name “libgtest*.a”

As we can see these two files were under ./lib sub folder.

So the correct command should be:

sudo cp ./lib/libgtest*.a /usr/lib

Please be noted I’ve copied the two files to /usr/local/lib instead of /usr/lib. It’s up to you but prefer to copying them to local lib folder.

I will create another blog about using Google gtest.





AWS Database Consultant. Still have passion on SQL Server since 1998. Expert on SQL Server Performance Tunning, High Availability. VMWare VCP 6/7.